We work hard to build amazing pools for our customers, but once we finish and it is all filled with water, you deserve to have as pleasant of an experience IN the pool as you do sitting outside gazing into the gorgeous water.

While most pools use a combination of chemicals, including chlorine or “salt” (that is processed into chlorine), there is a new technology that has become popular with our customers and others around the world. We highly encourage this new technology, UV Sanitation systems like those by SpectraLight for our customers.


How UV Sanitation Works:

SpectraLight Ultraviolet (UV) Pool systems are designed to take the power of ultraviolet light in order to reduce levels of chemicals and eliminate the need for chlorine by products while keeping a pool clean, manageable, and healthier for all. SpectraLight is unique as it uses three actions to break the cycle of using harmful chemicals in pools. The system can be easily installed just in-line of a pool’s filter system. Once installed, the system will attack the pool’s waters with high amounts of germicidal ultraviolet rays that work to destroy waterborne pathogens including bacteria, algae, and many others. The electromagnet energy used by the system works to get rid of organic matter and chloramines that often cause allergic reactions and irritation.

Why Chlorine is Bad For Your Health:

Recent studies have shown that pool chemicals, including chlorine, can be harmful to our health. In fact, studies have shown that pool chemicals have health risks that are equal to those of second hand smoke. To make matters worse, pool chemicals with organic matter, including chlorine, are now being linked to skin irritation, allergies, and even cancer.

Where Has UV Pool Sanitation Been Used?

UV sanitation systems have rapidly become more popular in recent years. UV pool sanitation systems have been used in even world class pools; even the pools used for the Beijing Olympic games used UV pool sanitation systems. However, in addition to being used in pools, UV Sanitation is currently be used to cleanse water sources used for drinking. With credentials like that, UV pool sanitation systems have to deliver serious results without health risks. In fact, some states, such as New York, are making UV systems mandatory.

Can SpectraLight Completely Eliminate Chemicals From Your Pool?

SpectraLight UV sanitation systems have been shown to reduce the need for pool chemicals by 90 percent. Studies have shown that 90 percent of chemicals are used for oxidation while the other 10 percent are used for sanitation; SpectraLight UV pool sanitation systems do both in one easy sweep.